Life Insurance and Annuity
Wholesaling Services

Insurance And Annuity Wholesaling Services
Beyond Product Representation

Quality solutions, delivered well

Great insurance wholesalers are great coaches, able to motivate and teach others to maximize opportunities and grow top-line results. We don’t stop at features and benefits, also educating financial professionals about to position products within appropriate solutions for their clients.

To maximize effectiveness, we commit our teams to a singular focus, either limiting the carriers they represent or the institutions with whom they work (or both). Staffed by W-2 employees registered with our wholly-owned, wholesale only broker dealer, this dedicated model bridges the gap between industry leading carriers and our institutional partners. The result: continuous product visibility and reliable, compliant sales support.

Count on us for:

  • Top-notch product expertise
  • Storyselling with context and perspective
  • Tried and true techniques
  • On-demand internal sales team support
  • Illustrations and case design
  • Application and forms help
  • Effective marketing campaigns and sales programs
  • Accretive business