Growing Life Insurance
and Annuity Practices

Your Success is Our Business

Specialized support with a deep respect for the advisor-client relationship

Our Approach

We work with a select group of top organizations to enable their agents and advisors to address a full set of client needs

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Relationships First, Products Second

One organization built an exceptionally strong network of advisors with deep connections into their local communities. From their small, main street offices, these men and women wanted to invest most of their time engaging with and serving their clients. But wholesalers from different companies took valuable time away from that primary goal. Saybrus Partners gave them time back, representing top-tier insurance carriers and setting the standard for point of sale support in their offices.

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Dedicated Support Yields Strong Results

One institution saw a critical need to expand its services and provide comprehensive planning support for Americans under one strong national brand. However, its advisors needed specialized expertise to proactively incorporate life insurance solutions into their practice, particularly for their affluent and high net worth clients. Saybrus Partners’ dedicated Wealth Management Consultants were deployed and established themselves as the most productive in the system.

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Entering New Markets

One carrier pioneered the sale of fixed indexed annuities through the independent agent market. A consistent focus on strong products, good customer service, and excellent agents built a formidable position in a rapidly growing market. However, continued rapid growth required expansion into other distribution channels. The carrier decided to enter the broker-dealer channel, but sought assistance to break into this highly regulated channel. They turned to Saybrus Partners to deploy a business development and wholesaling team to speed their market entry.

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Solutions For A Secure Financial Future

One insurer developed a strategy to create an all-new fixed indexed annuity portfolio focused on the vastly underserved sector of middle market Baby Boomers. Many in this market face retirement with trepidation, thanks to the 2008 economic crisis. Saybrus Partners built an extensive independent distributor network and brought key insights to the carrier’s product development effort. The company’s new offering quickly gained traction in the market, with its flagship product reaching just under $1 billion in annual sales in its second year after launch.

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